When is a website a waste of time for a small business?
Cochrane, Alberta, Jan. 2024
Many believe that every brick-and-mortar business needs a website, no matter where it is, what it sells, or who its customers are. However, when it comes to rural businesses in Alberta, the landscape is a bit different.
After helping small rural businesses, I’ve learned that quickly making a website may not always be the best plan. Learn the reasons and benefits of creating a website for your rural Alberta business. Additionally, explore various online tools that can help you establish a strong foundation for your business.
The Allure of Websites
Having an online presence can open new avenues for your business, especially in terms of reaching a wider audience. Websites can serve as digital storefronts, providing potential customers with information about your products and services 24/7. They can also be powerful tools for branding and marketing, helping you establish authority in your niche.
The Rush to Website Creation
Tech companies and website-building platforms like Shopify, Wix, and Squarespace often inundate entrepreneurs with the message that creating a website is a straightforward task that anyone can do.
Not only do they tell you that it’s simple, but they also make it seem like having a website or online store will lead to more sales. These platforms simplify website creation. However, they do not provide information about the actual expenses involved or the potential disadvantages of having a website.
The Pitfalls of Rushing In
In my experience, many entrepreneurs in rural Alberta are eager to jump into website creation without considering some important factors. Here are a few pitfalls to be aware of:
1. Quality Over Speed: While it’s possible to create a basic website quickly, the quality of that website might suffer. A poorly designed, outdated, or unprofessional-looking website can harm your brand more than it helps.
2. Lack of Maintenance: Many business owners forget that websites require regular updates; information, broken links, and unresponsive design can drive potential customers away. Consider how you’d feel if you received a business card from a sales rep and it was taped together, with the address crossed out, and a new address written in above the old one.
3. Costly Add-Ons: Website-building platforms often offer various add-ons and plugins, some of which can be expensive. Business owners may end up paying for tools they don’t need or use. Wix and similar platforms provide affordable online shopping options. However, there is a cost associated with setting up your checkout, as you will need to pay for each button separately.
4. Time sink: I’ve encountered numerous entrepreneurs, but I’ve never met one who frequently says, “I wish I had too much free time. I’m unsure of what to do with myself.” You’re managing a business, and your business isn’t related to web design. You should only be investing time in a website if it will increase your customer base and revenues.

The Rural Perspective
So, when is the right time for a rural business in Alberta to create a website?
Based on my experience, I’d suggest not rushing into it. Instead, focus on building a solid foundation for your business in the following ways:
1. Google Business Profile: Start by establishing a Google Business Profile. It’s a simple and effective way to ensure that your business can be easily found on Google Search and Maps. Accuracy in your business information, including your address, phone number, and business hours, is crucial. This helps build trust with your local customers.
2. Social Media Foundations: Before diving into website creation, establish a presence on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and even TikTok. These platforms offer a direct line to your local audience and are fantastic tools for engaging with your community.
3. Deliver Exceptional Services: Focus on delivering top-notch products or services. Your quality sets you apart, and satisfied customers are more likely to become advocates for your business.
4. Gather Feedback: Ask for feedback, but don’t debate it once you’ve received it. Encourage your customers to share their experiences and use their input to refine your business further. If you disagree with what someone has said, thank them and take note of it. If multiple customers provide similar feedback, it’s a good indication that there’s an opportunity to improve.
When Is the Right Time for a Website?
The right time to consider creating a website is when you’ve achieved a few crucial milestones:
1. Positive Cash Flow: Ensure that your business generates a steady cash flow. Sustainable revenue is the bedrock of a successful online venture.
2. Strong Local Reputation: Build a strong local reputation and a loyal customer base. Your website should complement your existing positive image, not overshadow it.
3. Clear Brand Identity: Develop a clear brand identity that reflects your business’ values and mission. This will form the basis of your website’s design and content.
4. Become an Expert or Hire One: When you’re ready to take the plunge, consider how much time you have available to invest in your platform, and how comfortable you are with computers. If you’re passionate about web development, understand the basics of graphic design, and have a grasp of the concepts of UI/UX on the web, or you want to learn more in this space: you may not need to hire a service. However, if this isn’t an interest, and you’re considering it to save money, you’re better off saving up until you can afford professional assistance. Digital marketing experts and web developers can help you establish a strong online presence that aligns with your business goals and values.
It can feel like the pressure to create a website is overwhelming, even for rural businesses in Alberta. However, it’s essential to approach website development strategically and consider when it truly makes sense for your unique circumstances. Rushing into website creation can lead to pitfalls and unnecessary costs.
Instead, begin by establishing a Google Business Profile and solidifying your presence on social media platforms. Deliver exceptional services, gather feedback, and build a strong local reputation. When the time is right, and you’ve achieved financial stability and a clear brand identity, consider seeking expert guidance for website development. By taking a measured approach, you can ensure that your online presence enhances your rural Alberta business rather than detracting from it.